Advantages of Investing in Commercial or Residential Developments.
- High demand.
- High rental income potential.
- Great resale market.
- Very fast to sell.
- There are potential clients ready to buy.
- Easy access to city center
Disadvantages of Investing in Commercial or Residential Developments.
- Higher prices.
- It is very expensive to buy Properties.
- The investment is very high in price.
- The competition is very high.
- There is no much space and privacy
Advantages of Investing in Countryside Investments.
- The prices is very affordable.
- It is very affordable to buy Properties.
- The investment is very low in price.
- There is much space and privacy.
- You can get a larger plot.
Disadvantages of Investing in Countryside Investments.
- Very low in demand.
- Low rental income potential.
- Low resale market.
- Very slow to sell.
- It is not easy to access city center.